1414 Walnut Street Berkeley, CA 94709 | 510-848-0237 ext 126 | Fax: 510-848-0170 | Email


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To advertise in the Jewish Music Taxi Heathrow to London Festival program, please download the Program Advertising Contract. It lists available ad sizes and prices, and contains the mechanical specs your designer will need, Taxi Gatwick includes our contact information, and acts as a simple contract.

Audience Survey

Have a few minutes? We (and our funders) would be most grateful if you would take our survey


The Jewish Music Festival depends on your support, as ticket sales cover only a fraction of the Festival’s cost.

Your tax-deductible contribution enables culturally significant music to flourish in a difficult economy. Community support has allowed us to sustain and preserve a legacy of twenty five years of Jewish music in the San Francisco Bay area


To volunteer for this year’s Jewish Music Festival, Email our Volunteer Coordinator, Rene Enteen.

The Jewish Music Festival is a fiscally sponsored project of the JCC East Bay