Welcome to the 2008 Jewish Music Festival
EVENT: Golem
Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 9:00 PM

Listen to Warsaw is Khelm
Order tickets online now for Golem
With Lord Loves a Working Man
The Rickshaw Stop
155 Fell Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
Presented in association with The Hub
Contrary to popular belief, Golem is neither a towering Jewish Frankenstein who defended the Jews of 17th Century Prague, nor a creature from Lord of the Rings. Golem is a six piece Eastern European folk-punk band.
Fronted by Annette Ezekiel – singer, accordionist, and 5-foot powerhouse; with vocalist, tambourine player, crazy-man Aaron Diskin; violin virtuoso Alicia Jo Rabins; trombonist extraordinaire Curtis Hasselbring; elegant upright bassist Taylor Bergren-Chrisman, and unstoppable drummer Tim Monaghan, Golem’s sound evokes wisps of old-world elegance filtered through the successes and disappointments of new-world dreams. Spending nights in Lower East Side immigrant-owned bagel shops and summers in Eastern Europe, Annette collects Jewish, Gypsy, and Slavic folk songs, and, with Golem, rewrites, adds, edits, and rearranges them along the way. These are the songs to which Eastern European grandparents danced over a century ago, and now Golem has its unwrinkled fans moshing to the same pulsing beats.
Unrequited love stories? Check. Drunken dances? Check. Warnings to future sons-in-law? Check. Dysfunctional families forcing kids to sell bagels on the street? Golem has ‘em all. And they may be in Yiddish (or Russian or French), but when Golem wails that the rent is too high, everybody understands.
Based out of the Mission District of San Francisco, Lord Loves A Working Man is a 9-piece band inspired by the raw and emotive sound of the Southern Soul shouters and horn-driven Rhythm & Blues of the 1960s. Mixing originals with obscure covers, LLAWM puts everything they got into respectfully invoking the spirit of old soul music while giving it their own distinct voice. “Our steamy but sweet fantasies of soulful early-1960s amour now have a soundtrack: Lord Loves a Working Man… These men pour their hearts out in songs that make audience members alternately work up a sweat and hold each other very, very close.” -SF WEEKLY
Performer bios:
The Jewish Music Festival is a program of the
Jewish Community Center of the East Bay (JCCEB)
- Major Sponsors
- Alliance for California Traditional Arts
- Anisman/Sherman Family and Julie Sherman
- Bernard Osher Jewish Philanthropies Foundation of the Jewish Community Endowment Fund
- Gaia Fund
- Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund
- Gottesman-Biddle Family Philanthropic Fund (JCEF)
- Guzik Foundation
- Walter and Elise Haas Fund
- The Jewish Community Federation and Foundation of the Greater East Bay
- Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture (JCEF)
- Koret Foundation
- Forest Creatures Entertainment
- Official Wine Sponsor: Hagafen
- Official Chocolate Sponsor: Alegio Chocolate